EP02 – Mother’s Day Episode with A Rare Mama’s Mama
Rare Mamas Rising

In honor of Mother’s Day, Nikki and her mom, Myrna, serve up a special Mother’s Day episode, talking all things motherhood. Myrna’s background studying child development, training as a counselor, and years of motherhood experience, afford her valuable insight and wisdom, which she shares generously. From the hardest things to the greatest privileges, Nikki and her mom dive into the motherhood lessons they’ve learned over the years. This episode is dedicated to all the Rare Mamas—Happy Mother’s Day!

Episode Highlights

What mindset is important to have for motherhood?

A capable mindset because you’re going to need to learn new things and realize that you are capable. Each day brings new opportunities for growth and learning as a mother. It’s an opportunity to think of the new possibilities that learning can bring. 


What qualities do you think are essential to cultivate for motherhood?

Endurance and perseverance. Things are going to come up to throw you off balance, and you’ll
be faced with challenges. You need to learn to persevere and be resilient to push through the pain and move forward. Patience with your child and yourself is important. You’re human, and you’re learning, so don’t beat yourself up when things go wrong. Give yourself some grace.


Can you talk about building a foundation of love?

Love makes a child feel secure in knowing that no matter what happens, they’re loved. It provides comfort and warmth in the midst of whatever they experience and builds their confidence, knowing they’re heard and seen. Home is love.


What are the best things you can do to prepare your children for life?

Teaching them to handle the ups and downs—to enjoy life and how to handle hard times. There will be hardships, and if you can instill the value of optimism and hard work in your child, that will carry them through and help them throughout their lives. 


How do you find hope?

I find hope through my faith. I turn to scripture. I hope and expect that tomorrow will be a new day and that this too shall pass.


How do you maintain a sense of joy in hard times?

I think it’s a choice. You can be frozen in pain and experiences or decide to move past the pain and be joyful. You have to feel the pain and face it, don’t deny it. But then don’t stay there. It’s not healthy. Find a way to get up, move forward, find your sense of humor and joy despite the circumstances. 


How have you maintained the woman you’ve wanted to be through motherhood? 

It doesn’t come easy, and you have to struggle through it. It’s important to remember that you can always start again, even when you take a step back.




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